Jakarta, INTI — Minister of Communication and Information Technology (Menkominfo) Budi Arie Setiadi conducted a surprise inspection at the Temporary Data Center (DC) of the National Temporary Data Center (PDNS) 2 in South Tangerang, Banten. This inspection aimed to ensure that cybersecurity measures are being optimally reinforced.
"Today, I conducted a surprise inspection at one of the PDNS infrastructures outside Surabaya to ensure that cybersecurity reinforcements are being carried out optimally," said Menkominfo Budi Arie Setiadi after the working visit on Wednesday (17/07/2024).
During his visit, Menkominfo directly observed the Cyber Security Center, Working Space, and Temporary Data Center Storage Infrastructure. Menkominfo Budi Arie was accompanied by Acting Director General of Applications and Informatics (Aptika) at the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kominfo) Ismail and officials from the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN). The Menkominfo's arrival was welcomed by several Telkom Sigma officials as the manager of the temporary PDNS Data Center in South Tangerang.
This surprise inspection is part of a series of efforts to oversee the recovery of national digital service infrastructure. The data migration recovery scheme is being implemented by the government to address the ransomware cyberattack on the Temporary National Data Center or PDNS 2 in Surabaya.
"I ensure that every recovery step is carried out meticulously. This is important to ensure that data migration and backup are done with great care," said Menkominfo Budi Arie.
The inspection of the South Tangerang Data Center continues Menkominfo Budi Arie Setiadi's visit to PDNS 2 in Surabaya the previous day, Tuesday (16/07/2024). Menkominfo wants to ensure that the acceleration of handling the brain cipher ransomware attack proceeds optimally.
The PDNS 2 service recovery effort is being carried out by a team consisting of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, BSSN, PT Telkom Tbk, and various ministries, agencies, and regional governments. Several public services that have been successfully restored include licensing services and information services in the form of portals, including scholarship services from the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbudristek).
"Inspections and evaluations will continue to be conducted at several other national data infrastructure points in the coming days," said Menkominfo Budi Arie.
Strengthening cybersecurity is a primary focus in this recovery effort. With surprise inspections and rigorous evaluations, it is hoped that the measures taken can anticipate and address potential cyber threats in the future.
Menkominfo's visit also emphasizes the importance of collaboration between various parties in maintaining the security and stability of national digital infrastructure. This involves not only the government but also the private sector, such as Telkom Sigma, which plays a significant role in managing the temporary Data Center.
According to the latest data from the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN), cyberattacks in Indonesia have increased by 38% in the past six months. Ransomware attacks are one of the main threats faced by various institutions in the country. Therefore, the preventive and recovery measures taken by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology are crucial in maintaining national cybersecurity.
Additionally, a report from PT Telkom Tbk indicates that the temporary Data Center in South Tangerang can handle over 1.5 petabytes of data daily. This demonstrates the capacity and readiness of the infrastructure in facing emergency situations such as cyberattacks.
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