Nusantara Transformation: Towards a Smart City with AI and Digital Technology Support

  Editorial INTI     22 hari yang lalu

Jakarta, INTI - With the capital's relocation to Nusantara (IKN) in East Kalimantan, Indonesia has demonstrated its vision to create a modern and sustainable smart city. A key element of this transformation is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to develop a more transparent, efficient, and inclusive government. In this article, we explore how AI will play a crucial role in developing IKN as an integrated center of governance.

AI and Smart Governance in Nusantara

Prof. Hammam Riza, an AI expert at Syiah Kuala University, stated that using AI in government will help reduce bureaucracy and increase transparency. "The government can use AI to process data quickly and accurately, which will ultimately speed up data-driven decision-making," he noted. This strategy aligns with the Smart Governance blueprint, a central focus of IKN's development.

AI enables more responsive and effective decision-making, especially in traffic prediction and city management. With AI-based predictive systems, infrastructure development can be better planned, optimizing transportation flow and supporting sustainable urban growth.

AI for Improved Public Services

In IKN, one of the primary focuses is technology-based public services. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants capable of supporting multiple languages will be crucial in providing fast and inclusive services to residents. This system will facilitate access to services for citizens and increase public participation in decision-making processes through open data initiatives.

Optimal resource management is also a priority in IKN’s development. Smart Energy Management technology, utilizing AI, will regulate energy distribution efficiently, reduce waste, and promote the use of renewable energy. This aligns with IKN's sustainability goals.

Crisis Preparedness with AI Predictive Analytics

IKN also leverages AI technology to enhance readiness for potential crises. AI-based predictive analytics enable the government to identify threats, such as natural disasters or public health issues, allowing for preventive measures to be taken earlier. Moreover, a centralized control center equipped with AI-based monitoring systems will facilitate rapid response and effective coordination during emergencies.

Indicators of Digital Transformation Success in Local Governments

The Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (KemenpanRB) has developed key indicators to assess the implementation of the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) across governmental institutions, both at the national and local levels. These indicators cover data management, intranet services, information security management, and information and communication technology audits.

This data-driven evaluation allows performance comparisons between local governments in implementing digital initiatives, encouraging healthy competition, and sharing best practices among high-performing regions. In this way, AI adoption and other advanced technologies are expected to accelerate throughout Indonesia.

Building a Roadmap for AI Integration in Digital Government

The next step is to design a comprehensive roadmap for integrating AI into digital government initiatives. This roadmap should include capacity building, robust data governance, collaboration between the government and the private sector, and pilot projects to test AI applications in various domains. This will ensure that AI development in Indonesia is not only efficient but also ethical and responsible.

IKN symbolizes Indonesia's future, with a more advanced and inclusive government. With AI as the main driver, Indonesia's vision of creating a modern, efficient, and environmentally friendly smart city is becoming a reality. This transformation will not only improve the quality of public services but also open new opportunities for economic growth and innovation throughout the archipelago.

