Jakarta, INTI – The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) continues to encourage manufacturing companies in Indonesia to implement green industry principles in their production processes. The goal of implementing green industry is to prioritize efficiency and effectiveness efforts that can align industrial development with the preservation of environmental functions.
"Green industry provides many benefits, including reducing operating costs including energy and water savings, conserving limited natural resources, reducing negative impacts on the environment, maintaining ecosystem balance, and encouraging the development of environmentally friendly technology," said Head of the Agency for Standardization and Industrial Services Policy (BSKJI) Andi Rizaldi in his statement received in Jakarta, Saturday (2/3).
The Head of BSKJI emphasized that to regulate the use of energy resources, the government has stipulated Government Regulation Number 33 of 2023 concerning Energy Conservation. "The main objective of this regulation is to ensure the availability of sustainable national energy by applying efficient energy technology, efficient and rational energy use, and prioritizing an energy-saving culture," he said.
In line with the implementation of PP 3/2023, Kemenperin supports the Boosting Energy Efficiency Practices for the Industrial Sector (BENEFITS) project, which aims to strengthen the implementation of energy management in the industrial sector more massively to accelerate industrial decarbonization and energy transition.
"This project is managed by the Indonesian Institute for Energy Economics (IIEE) with government partners, namely the Kemenperin Green Industry Center and its supporting partner ViriyaENB," explained Andi. The main target of this project is to build Energy Management Systems in five industries to achieve readiness of at least 70-80% ready for ISO 50001 (in the third year).
In addition, this project also provides Energy Manager and Energy Auditor training (Level Awareness Seminar) for 25 Parent Companies. The BENEFITS project also provides technical assistance for Energy Management Systems (EnMS) in the industrial sector, with the criteria for industrial energy consumption equivalent to or more than 4000 TOE/year.
"Even this project encourages the industry to have an internal audit and basic energy management understanding so that if the company is financially stable, it can implement and continue to implement the energy management system in the future," he added.
Executive Director of the Indonesian Institute for Energy Economics (IIEE) Didi Hasan Putra said that the main activities that will be carried out from the BENEFITS project include level awareness training for 25 industries, Training of Trainer (TOT) in the energy audit sector for 24 Technical Support Units (UPT) at Kemenperin, and a preliminary study of the Energy Consumption Index (IKE) in five selected industries.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Kemenperin Green Industry Center, Apit Pria Nugraha, said that the BENEFITS project is in line with the policy of decarbonizing the industrial sector and national energy conservation. This effort is expected to contribute to increasing industrial efficiency and industrial competitiveness.
"At the same time, it is also to increase awareness of the implementation of green industry standards, and support the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the industrial sector in contributing to the achievement of net zero emission (NZE) by 2060 or specifically for the industrial sector, the NZE target can be accelerated to be realized in 2050," he said.*Hans
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