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Minister of Communication and Informatics Ensures Security at National Data Center: Optimizing National Digital Infrastructure

  Editorial INTI     2 bulan yang lalu

Jakarta, INTI - The Minister of Communication and Informatics (Menkominfo) Budi Arie Setiadi inspected the Security Operation Center of the Temporary National Data Center (PDNS) 1 in South Jakarta on Friday, July 19, 2024. The visit aimed to ensure that no issues similar to those experienced at PDNS 2 Telkom had occurred.

"My visit here is to ensure that no issues like those at PDNS 2 Telkom have occurred," said Minister Budi Arie Setiadi. The Security Operation Center PDNS 1, visited by the Minister, is managed by Lintasarta.

During the visit, Minister Budi Arie was accompanied by Deputy Minister Nezar Patria, the head of the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN), and the Director General of Informatics Applications (Aptika) Hokky Situngkir. They were welcomed by several senior executives from Lintasarta, including President Director & CEO Bayu Hanantasena.

Ongoing Inspections and Supervision

On July 16, 2024, the Minister visited PDNS 2 in Surabaya, East Java, managed by Telkom, to ensure the optimal handling of the brain cipher ransomware attack. The following day, July 17, 2024, Minister Budi Arie conducted a surprise inspection at the Temporary Data Center PDNS 2 in South Tangerang.

“I visited PDNS 2 in Surabaya and then South Tangerang to ensure that data migration after the attack is proceeding well, securely, and swiftly,” explained Minister Budi Arie.

Oversight of National Digital Infrastructure Recovery

The supervision of PDNS 2, the Temporary Data Center PDNS 2 in South Tangerang, and Security Operation Center PDNS 1 is part of a broader effort to monitor the recovery of national digital service infrastructure.

“Lintasarta’s explanation increases optimism, but vigilance must continue. Quick anticipation and proper resolution are crucial to prevent attacks on one segment from spreading to others,” stated Minister Budi Arie.

Public Service Recovery Efforts

The recovery of PDNS 2 services is being carried out collaboratively by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, BSSN, PT Telkom Tbk, and all related ministries, agencies, and local governments. Several public services that have been successfully restored include licensing services and information services through portals, including scholarships from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek).

Invitation to Attend INTI 2024

We invite you to join and witness the Indonesia Technology and Innovation 2024 (INTI 2024) exhibition at JI-EXPO from August 12-14, 2024. INTI 2024 is the largest technology and innovation exhibition in Indonesia. For more details, please visit this link. By attending INTI 2024, it is hoped that the public will be inspired and motivated to continue developing digital skills and contributing to building a more advanced digital ecosystem in Indonesia.

