Jakarta, INTI – The Indonesian government is accelerating the development of the National Public Service Portal. Minister of State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform Abdullah Azwar Anas stated that both the Ministry of PANRB and the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) have important roles in the digitalization of government.
"We will prepare a national portal that integrates various public services, which is the task of the Minister of Communication and Informatics as mandated by Presidential Regulation No. 82/2023," he said in a meeting with Minister of Communication and Informatics Budi Arie Setiadi at the PANRB Ministry Office, South Jakarta, Wednesday (03/01/2024).
Minister Anas said that in accordance with the direction of President Joko Widodo, Indonesia is immediately in the process of having integrated digital services that are not separated, as has been the case so far, based on good interoperability.
"The presence of GovTech is very important so that government service digitalization can be integrated. So far, government digital services have not been fully integrated," he said.
The Minister of PANRB explained that the National Portal is built on a citizen-centric basis, meaning that the community is the main actor in the service. Minister Anas also mentioned that there are at least 9 applications that are the focus of the priority SPBE. These include the service sectors for issuing online driving licenses and crowd permits, social assistance, health services, education services, digital identity based on population data, One Data Indonesia services, financial transactions, integration of service portals and state apparatus services.
"The role of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics is to carry out coaching and supervision in the development of priority SPBE applications, in accordance with the standards for application development and data interoperability," he said.
Meanwhile, Minister of Communication and Informatics Budi Arie Setiadi said that his party is committed to accelerating digitalization in various government sectors. He is also optimistic that digitalization can provide convenience and accelerate services for the community.
"The digital transformation in Indonesia is a necessity, so e-Government or digital government must also be realized to improve services to the community. Because the essence of the state and government is to serve the people," he explained.
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